


Votre niveau d'activité: 0

Pays: Việt Nam
A propos de moi: 

[size= 12pt]VF555 la mot trong nhung dia chi hang dau trong the gioi ca cuoc truc tuyen, thu hut su quan tam cua hang ngan nguoi choi tu khap noi tren the gioi. Voi su uy tin va minh bach duoc chung nhan boi PAGCOR va Costa Rica, VF555 mang lai mot moi truong an toan va chuyen nghiep cho nguoi choi. Tu su da dang cua cac tro choi den cac chuong trinh khuyen mai hap dan, VF555 cam ket mang den nhung trai nghiem doc dao va thu vi nhat cho cac thanh vien cua minh.[/size]

[size= 12pt]#vf555 #nha_cai#vf555 #link_vf555 #trang_chu_vf555[/size]

[size= 12pt]Website https://vf555.moe/ [/size]

[size= 12pt]Dia chi 59 Duong Thanh Loc 31, Thanh Loc, Quan 12, Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam[/size]

[size= 12pt]SDT 0975845845[/size]

[size= 12pt]Email vf555moe@gmail.com [/size]

[size= 10pt]https://www.facebook.com/vf555moe/[/size]

[size= 10pt]https://www.youtube.com/@vf555moe[/size]

[size= 10pt]https://groups.google.com/g/vf555moe/[/size]

[size= 10pt]https://twitter.com/vf555moe[/size]

[size= 10pt]https://www.pinterest.com/vf555moe/[/size]

[size= 10pt]https://www.tumblr.com/vf555moe[/size]

[size= 10pt]https://vimeo.com/vf555moe[/size]

[size= 10pt]https://www.reddit.com/user/vf555moe/[/size]

[size= 10pt]https://medium.com/@vf555moe/about[/size]

[size= 10pt]https://www.quora.com/profile/Vf555moe[/size]

J'utilise Thermomix ® depuis: 2000
Quelle version du Thermomix® possédez-vous?: Thermomix ® TM 21
Travaillez-vous pour Vorwerk France?: Je ne travaille pas pour Vorwerk France
Compétences culinaires: chef
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